Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Specialist

Memphis Vein Center
Kishore K. Arcot , MD, FACC, FSCAI, FSVM, RPVI
Cardiology & Vascular Medicine located in Memphis, TN
If you regularly experience pelvic pain, it may be due to pelvic congestion syndrome. Every year, pelvic congestion syndrome accounts for 10-15% of pain clinic referrals. At Memphis Vein Center in Memphis, Tennessee, board-certified cardiologist Kishore Arcot, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FSVM, RPVI, and the caring team have years of experience diagnosing and treating pelvic congestion syndrome. To schedule an appointment, call or book online today.
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Q & A
What is pelvic congestion syndrome?
Pelvic congestion syndrome is a chronic medical condition that affects women. It occurs when varicose veins form below the abdomen, in and around the pelvic region. A varicose vein is a swollen, twisted vein that develops due to poor vein function.
Pelvic congestion syndrome affects women of all ages and races, but it’s especially common in women who have previously given birth. If you regularly experience a dull, aching sensation in your pelvic region, don’t wait to make an appointment at Memphis Vein Center.
What are the symptoms of pelvic congestion syndrome?
The most common symptom associated with pelvic congestion syndrome is a dull, aching sensation in the lower abdomen. Symptoms usually become worse in the following situations:
- After standing for a long time
- Right before your period
- In the evenings
- During sexual intercourse
- In the late stages of pregnancy
Many women with pelvic congestion syndrome also experience painful menstruation, backaches, depression, and fatigue.
How Is Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Diagnosed and Treated?
In our office, we perform a simple and quick testing technique using ultrasound by our specialized trained ultrasound technicians. During the ultrasound examination, we are able to visualize the varicosities in the pelvis, which instantly allows us to diagnose the condition.
Once PCS is diagnosed, it can be easily treated with a minimally invasive and highly effective procedure called “coiling”, of the damaged veins. This is performed by inserting a tiny plastic catheter in the groin area into the diseased ovarian veins and the coils are placed which prevents the backward flow and eventually collapses those veins. A patient can return to their usual activities on the same day as the procedure.
We are offering virtual visits for Varicose Veins. Call us to book your appointment today.